IHI Customer Feedback Blog

Results review: National Forum designs, Measurement program, and more

Posted by Jameson Case on Tue, June 17, 2014 @ 04:33 PM

Thank you once again for participating in our survey earlier this month. We had a great response rate with 68 of you answering the survey — and three of those folks got $25 Starbucks gift cards!

As always, we want to make sure you know the results of the survey. The responses on the multiple choice questions are below for your reference:

May 2014 summary data Page 1 resized 600

May 2014 summary data Page 2 resized 600

May 2014 summary data Page 3 resized 600

May 2014 summary data Page 4 resized 600

May 2014 summary data Page 5 resized 600

May 2014 summary data Page 6 resized 600

Potential program description (for Q10, Q11, Q12): IHI is developing a program on quality improvement measurement that would address all of the measurement elements featured in the previous question. It would include an initial webinar, a two-day classroom-based workshop, and a follow-up webinar. Participants would be expected to join all three sessions. Participants would also be urged to identify a work-related project, which would become the focus of workshop exercises and follow-on activities. A total of 14 units of continuing medical education will be available to students who participate in all three. 

May 2014 summary data Page 7 resized 600

describe the image

May 2014 summary data Page 9 resized 600

Thank you!

Tags: Summit, National Forum, measurement, excursions, Person- and Family-Centered Care

Results review: 2015 Summit, and Person- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC)

Posted by Jameson Case on Tue, April 29, 2014 @ 10:19 AM

We really appreciate you taking the time to answer our survey on the 2015 International Summit and our PFCC work. The results of the multiple choice questions are below for your reference:

Summit chart for 4 24 survey   image resized 600

PFCC chart for 4 24 survey   image Page 1 resized 600

PFCC chart for 4 24 survey   image Page 2 resized 600

Thanks again!


Tags: results, Summit, Person- and Family-Centered Care