IHI Customer Feedback Blog

Results review: blogs, pain management, and health care workforce wellness

Posted by Jameson Case on Fri, August 08, 2014 @ 12:21 PM

Thank you so much for participating in the July Customer Feedback Panel survey. We got some great results on some interesting questions about other QI organizations, health care improvement blogs, pain management programming, and wellness program for health care workers.

See the aggregated results below:

2If IHI were to offer a web based program on pain management   how likely would you be to enroll resized 600

2how likely would you be to enroll in a webinar series on enhancing the health and well being of the health care workforce resized 600

2how familiar are you with the IHI blogs resized 600


2how often do you read IHI blog posts resized 600

Thanks again for responding!

My Best,


Tags: results, blogs, pain management, workforce wellness