IHI Customer Feedback Blog

Results review: 3 question survey on the physician engagement expedition

Posted by Jameson Case on Mon, March 24, 2014 @ 03:32 PM

Hello all,

We got great results from our first survey on our physician engagment web-based program. We had a 17% response rate and some interesting results out of the three questions. I have shared those with you below:

physician Q1 resized 600

physician Q2 resized 600

physician Q3 resized 600

Let us know if you have any questions!



Tags: results, physician engagement

Thank you for joining our feedback panel - here's the first survey!

Posted by Jameson Case on Wed, March 19, 2014 @ 10:22 AM

IHI staff

Welcome to IHI’s customer panel — our entire staff is very appreciative of your participation! We rely on your knowledge and opinions to help us shape our work and provide the right offerings to help change health and health care for the better.

Our hope is to get your feedback periodically through a survey or by asking an open-ended question. The results of our surveys and questions will be posted to this blog, where we will engage in discussions with you about our work and how we can help you solve your biggest challenges. Please note: only you and IHI staff will see the contents of the blog (we ask that you do not share the link).

Please email me at jcase@ihi.org if you have any questions or concerns, and if you have any thoughts on how best to contact you.

It is especially important for us to know how often we can contact you (once a week, twice a month, etc.). Please comment below and let us know — your time is important to us!

And now... the first survey!

Click here to answer  3 questions on "engaging physicians"

My best,

Jameson Case, MS
Marketing Manager, IHI 

Tags: panel information, physician engagement, contact preferences, questions and concerns