IHI Customer Feedback Blog

Results review: National Forum designs, Measurement program, and more

Posted by Jameson Case on Tue, June 17, 2014 @ 04:33 PM

Thank you once again for participating in our survey earlier this month. We had a great response rate with 68 of you answering the survey — and three of those folks got $25 Starbucks gift cards!

As always, we want to make sure you know the results of the survey. The responses on the multiple choice questions are below for your reference:

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Potential program description (for Q10, Q11, Q12): IHI is developing a program on quality improvement measurement that would address all of the measurement elements featured in the previous question. It would include an initial webinar, a two-day classroom-based workshop, and a follow-up webinar. Participants would be expected to join all three sessions. Participants would also be urged to identify a work-related project, which would become the focus of workshop exercises and follow-on activities. A total of 14 units of continuing medical education will be available to students who participate in all three. 

May 2014 summary data Page 7 resized 600

describe the image

May 2014 summary data Page 9 resized 600

Thank you!

Tags: Summit, National Forum, measurement, excursions, Person- and Family-Centered Care